Characters 人物

Children’s small talk

童言童趣 1, 2


My daughter visited the Royal Palace in Amsterdam at the age of one and a half. She pointed to the splendid mural of the golden ceiling: “The angels forgot to wear their jackets.”


女儿三岁时听音乐有感而发:“妈妈,这是谁写的?” “巴赫。” “他在哪?” “他已经不在了,去世了。” “这是谁写的?” “莫扎特。” “他也去世了吗?” “是。”  “这是谁写的?” “肖邦。” “他去世了吗?” “是。” “这个我最喜欢了,不管他是谁,我确定他也去世了。” 

My daughter listened to music when she was three years old: “Mama, who wrote this?” “Bach.” “Where is he?” “He is no longer here. He is died.” “Who wrote this?” “Mozart.” ” Did he die too?” ” Yes.” “Who wrote this?” “Chopin.” “Did he die?” “Yes.” “I like this most. No matter who he is, I’m sure he also died.”