Characters 人物 Cooking 厨艺

Birthday Noodles 长寿面

1 dish 1 day No.7 一日一食

The tradition in China is that birthday girl/boy has to eat noodles on her/his birthday. Noodles are called “longevity noodles”. “Longevity noodles” are long and thin noodles that represent the longevity of the birthday girl/boy. In China, eating longevity noodles has a history of more than one thousand years. The main reason is that “noodes (面mian)” is similar to “life(命ming)” in pronunciation. And long noodles means long life. Wish me a healthy and happy long life!

Cooking 厨艺 Social 社交

Season food 当季食品

1 dish 1 day No.6 一日一食

This year is a strange year. All activities have stopped since March. Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club is normally a socially active place for the members. It has suddenly disappeared from my calendar. Every May in Koniklijke IGC have traditional dinner parties, such as herring night and white asparagus dinner. It seems that this year can only be self-reliant. Last weekend, my friend from the south came to visit me and brought fresh white asparagus. So, I put on my apron and doing the cooking. Finally I enjoy my own Slow Food.

Cooking 厨艺

Cooking with no rules 自由烹饪

1 dish 1 day No.5 一日一食

I don’t like cooking according to recipes. Modifying the rules is the norm. I made a cake today and halved the butter and sugar. Soy milk is used instead of milk. Add eggs, lemon, shredded coconut and Xinjiang raisins. Such a big change did not fail in the end. So I have enough reason to continue my own judgement.
In addition to changing the routine, I also like creativity. I used Mexican tortillas to spread the eggs and then smeared my own pasta sauce. Bake in the oven for three minutes. And take out, roll all kinds of fresh vegetables in. Isn’t this a Turkish pizza!
Butter becomes vegetable oil, and halved the dosage. Reduce sugar in half. Fresh carrot cake successfully baked!
Cooking 厨艺

Fresh Juice 鲜榨果汁

1 dish 1 day No.4 一日一食

Raspberry, blueberry, orange, strawberry 覆盆子,蓝莓,橙子,草莓
Banana, apple, orange 香蕉,苹果,橙子
Mango, orange, kiwi, banana 芒果,橙子,猕猴桃,香蕉
Milk Shake: Bananas, tangerine, oranges and Greek full-fat plain yogurt
Cooking 厨艺

Egg pancakes 蛋饼

1 day 1 dish No.3 一日一食

The beautiful colors make people appetite. Simple recipes can be delicious and nutritious. In fact, it uses just a little fantasy, which can make your daily life a little exciting.


Vegetarian egg pancake: Stir fry mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach and sun dried tomatoes briefly. Stir the eggs and pour in.
Egg pancake: Stir fry ham, mushrooms, spinach, sun dried tomatoes and zucchini briefly. Stir the eggs and pour in.
Egg pancake: Stir fry Spanish salami, cherry tomatoes and sun dried tomatoes briefly. Stir the eggs and pour in.

Cooking 厨艺

Fried noodles 虾仁炒面

1 dish 1 day No.2 一日一食

Fried noodles with shrimp 虾仁炒面

Cooking 厨艺

Spinach Salad 芝麻酱拌菠菜

1 dish 1 day No.1 一日一食

Spinach Salad 芝麻酱拌菠菜
Water cooked spinach with sesame paste, sesame oil and balsamico vinegar. Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.

Cooking 厨艺 Music 音乐 Social 社交

Easter Greeting 2020

复活节问候 2020

Photographer, Chef, Piano, Film all by XiaoJia Xu 摄影,厨师,钢琴演奏,影片拍摄剪辑由 XiaoJia Xu 完成。

The first attempt. Although a bit slow at the beginning, but it is always good to have results. 第一次尝试。 虽然开始创作时有点慢,但是能取得结果总是好的。