Characters 人物 Culture文化 Education 教育

The influence of Vermeer

Before Isabel was three years old, a poster of “A Lady Writing a Letter” was hung up in our living room. Every time I pointed to the painting and told her that the painter was Vermeer. And I taught her to identify Vermeer’s most distinctive color yellow.

At that time, a poster of Klimt was hung on the wall of the dinning area. I pointed often to this painting and told her that the painter is Klimt. I watched Klimt’s album with her together to make her aware of the difference between gold and yellow. After she became acquainted with many colors, she made it clear for the first time that one of her favorite colors was gold.

Before the age of seven, I took her to the Mauritius Huis Museum in The Hague three times and saw the original “Girl with a Pearl Earring”. When she saw this painting for the first time, I let her guess whether the painter was Vermeer or Klimt. She chose Vermeer without hesitation and confirmed it three times. She also explained that Klimt likes to use gold. It seems that the aesthetic education that Isabel received before the age of three has paid off.

In my another article “A Story Triggered by A Few Silk Scarves” wrote that Isabel liked to use silk scarves to make her own design works when she was three. Sometimes she could play with these scarves for hours. When she was 7 years old, one day she was focused on her painting. I suddenly discovered that her outfit was full of style. I quietly picked up the camera and whispered to her. She looked back with a calm and peaceful expression. I pressed the shutter without hesitation, and then I couldn’t help but laugh. This independent design image is truly amazing! She is combining the essence of Vermeer’s different paintings. It is estimated that her creative inspiration comes from her early memories.

It takes time and effort to cultivate the recognition and taste of beauty. In the process of training, we often do not see obvious large-scale. Unknowingly infiltration is a long-term operation, in anytime and anywhere. I also mentioned infiltration education in my other “Teddy Bear Hospital”. The important thing is that you need to have a pair of eyes that are good at observing. Otherwise you will miss a lot of subtle and random behaviours and works. Never expect short-term effects. Be patient and diligent. The final results are often surprising.

Characters 人物 Cooking 厨艺

Birthday Noodles 长寿面

1 dish 1 day No.7 一日一食

The tradition in China is that birthday girl/boy has to eat noodles on her/his birthday. Noodles are called “longevity noodles”. “Longevity noodles” are long and thin noodles that represent the longevity of the birthday girl/boy. In China, eating longevity noodles has a history of more than one thousand years. The main reason is that “noodes (面mian)” is similar to “life(命ming)” in pronunciation. And long noodles means long life. Wish me a healthy and happy long life!

Characters 人物 Education 教育

We are together


Isabel drew a picture for her weekend Chinese School. Content is the current status. Due to the epidemic, for a 10-year-old child, daily life has changed a lot. For her, going to school is actually a socializing. In the past ten weeks, not only she has stopped her normal social environment, but other daily activities are also impossible, such as swimming training, dancing and horse riding… Of course, these days of not going to school are also different from holidays. All public places are closed. This is a challenge for everyone.

Children are easier to adapt to the living environment than we (adults) can imagine. They have unique radar systems to find their own tracks. Sometimes, instead of worrying about whether they can adapt to the environment, it is better to calmly face the less satisfying life situation with them together.

By the way, did you see the sign “Keeping the distance of 1.50m”? 

一和君为她的周末中文学校画了一幅画。 内容是当前的隔离状态。 由于新冠病毒这一流行病,对于一个10岁的孩子来说,日常生活发生了很大变化。 对她来说,原来上学最重要的是一种社交活动。 可是在过去的十个星期中,她不仅停止了她平时正常的社交环境,而且其他日常活动也无法进行,例如游泳训练,跳舞和骑马…… 当然,这些不上学的日子同以往的假期也非常不同, 所有公共场所都关闭,这些状况对每个人都是一个挑战。

其实儿童比我们(成人)想象的更容易适应生存环境,他们拥有独特的雷达系统来寻找自己的航迹。 有时候,与其无限担心他们是否能够适应环境,不如与他们一起平静地面对这突如其来的生活状况。



Characters 人物

Mother’s Day gift


Mama, I brought you a lovely little guest. Happy Mothers’ Day!
The guest lingered for more than half an hour. A surprise, a special gift!
妈妈,我给您带来了一个可爱的小客人。 母亲节快乐!
小客人停留了半个多小时。 好惊喜,一个特别的礼物!

Characters 人物

Children’s small talk

童言童趣 1, 2


My daughter visited the Royal Palace in Amsterdam at the age of one and a half. She pointed to the splendid mural of the golden ceiling: “The angels forgot to wear their jackets.”


女儿三岁时听音乐有感而发:“妈妈,这是谁写的?” “巴赫。” “他在哪?” “他已经不在了,去世了。” “这是谁写的?” “莫扎特。” “他也去世了吗?” “是。”  “这是谁写的?” “肖邦。” “他去世了吗?” “是。” “这个我最喜欢了,不管他是谁,我确定他也去世了。” 

My daughter listened to music when she was three years old: “Mama, who wrote this?” “Bach.” “Where is he?” “He is no longer here. He is died.” “Who wrote this?” “Mozart.” ” Did he die too?” ” Yes.” “Who wrote this?” “Chopin.” “Did he die?” “Yes.” “I like this most. No matter who he is, I’m sure he also died.”


Characters 人物 Education 教育

Little April

Because of her mother’s academic research, four years old April came to the Netherlands with her parents last year. By chance, she found me to learn piano. After 10 months knowing each other they will return to Xi’an this Saturday. I made a dinner for them last Sunday. That evening she said many times that she didn’t want to leave me. In fact, she has mentioned it many times in the past two months. I promised her to see her when I am in China, and she can see me when she comes to the Netherlands. When it was time to say goodbye, she stopped talking and couldn’t help crying. I hugged her and said, “We will meet soon, you will make me cry.” I really cried. She resisted wiping her tears silently until my front door opened. She was crying loudly against the storm in the “darkness” (she described).

I closed the door, returned to the kitchen and started to cry. So innocent, I really want to stay at five. Perhaps the child felt the pure land in my heart and spread her love with open arms without reservation. This expression of love should be the highest compliment!

Open the refrigerator and saw the meat bread that April’s parents made for me. Tomorrow I will eat them, delicious! The beauty of life comes and goes. We will continue to harvest in real life.


因为妈妈的学术研究,小四月(April)随爸妈一年前来到荷兰。机缘巧合找到我学钢琴,当时她四岁。10个月时间一晃而过,她现在五岁了,本周六他们一家将返回西安。上周末我为他们做了顿晚餐,算是个简单的饯行。当晚她说了好多次不想离开我,其实过去两三个月里她已经提到过很多次了,我们大人给她不断心理建设,许诺她我去中国时去看她,她来荷兰时来找我。当真到告别时,她欲言又止,然后忍不住哭泣。我抱着她说:“我们很快就见面了,你这样会把我也弄哭的。” 我是真的也掉眼泪了。她强忍着无声的抹眼泪,直到大门打开,迎着漆黑(她当晚形容夜晚的词汇)中的大风放声大哭。

